Tuesday 19 February 2013

How to customise School Name Labels

Posted by Name Label at 21:15 0 comments
There are various ways of labelling your kid’s clothing and other belongings. You use iron-on labels, stick-on labels, clothes labels, and so on. Similarly, there are various ways in which you can customise and make creative name tags for kids.

Use favourite cartoon characters: Every child likes to watch cartoons and has his/her favourite cartoon characters. So why not use those characters on the iron-on labels. This would thrill your kid seeing the labels on their belongings having a cute picture of their favourite cartoon character.

Use the image of their favourite food item: Another easy way to please your kid with name tags is to include the image of their favourite food items like if your kid likes cup cakes, design a school name labels with an image of a cup cake along with their name.

Indicate any particular allergy your child might have: If your child is allergic to eggs or sea food or even to dairy products, use the clothes labels to indicate that particular allergy. This is quite helpful while your child is going to take part in some group activities.

Let your child design the label:  The best way to customise the label is to let your child do the designing. Work as a team and ask his/her opinion about the label design. 

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